WOOPAPERS was founded in 2012, focusing on the design and development of handmade seed paper products and customized services. Positioning ourselves as a viable brand, we hope that through the hand-feel of handmade paper, we will convey love and temperature, and recall the original strength and hope in people's lives. Seed paper is not only paper, but also a medium for continuation of emotions. Embracing the love of the earth's ecology, our pulp is derived from recycled paper and natural plant fibers. After seed paper is planted into the soil, the seeds will germinate and grow, and the paper will decompose and return to the land without causing waste or harm to the environment. If you also want to live a warm, breathing, and creative life, please come and meet us!
WOOPAPERS Seed Paper = 100% Recycled Pulp + Handmade + Plant, Flower and Seed Addition
WOOPAPERS は2012年に创设计、手作りのシードペーパーをutilizationしたデザインとオーダーメードサービスに飛わってきましましまししは。我々は生命力のあるブランド作りをめざし、手作りペーパーの手機りにより、爱と温を伝え、人々の生活の力と Hope 悒起したい.シードペーパーは単なる纸ではなく、愛愛の長の電輸の電子です. Earth Ecology wo large cut-ni-su ru Genki held ち wo hold ki, I 々 wa ri Cytec ku ru pe ー pa ー と natural plant Xian dimensional kara for っ ta paper pa Hikaru pu wo use, Silicone one then pe ー pa ー の species wo soil ni buried Circular te Requested Procedure bud Connecticut se ru と, residues っ ta paper mo exploded Connecticut DomNode- te soil ni ka え ru ta Circular , Environment に无駄とダメージを与えません.もしあなたも温度があり、呼吸できて及つ造的な人生を送りたいのなら、WOOPAPERSをぜひチェックしてみてくい。