Our first dog passed away due to a heart attack. As a result, we dwelled in sorrow for a very long time. On day, an idea popped into our heads, which led us to donate his living items to an animal shelter. To our surprise, we were so comforted and satisfied mentally. At last, we realized that love does not end because of one’s passing, but love needs to be passed on and shared.
Currently, while adhering to notion of “adopt, don’t abandon,” we have a very lively zoo-like family. We deeply understand that the healthiness of a fur kid is the wish of every family. We are also very appreciative of every dog and cat that has walked into to our lives. Because of you, there is Natural10.
‘Our mission in founding Natural10 lies in: extend our love, care for furry companions’ food safety, and nurture the wellbeing of pets and strays. We wish each and every furry kid can live a happy and healthy life, staying with their family of love.
In order to cater for furry companion’s dietary and psychological health, we have founded Natural 10. We believe that health comes from pleasure and holistic balance of the mind, the body and the spirit. As humans, we might mistake the humans’ needs for pets’ needs because the furry kids do not speak our language. As a result, many pet products and concepts about pet diets are based on human preference, not animals’ needs. At Natural 10, we make products which take into account your furry kids’ needs and give them the purest sort of happiness with love, respect and empathy.