▲ What does Epochsia MEAN?
Trends, indefinable words, are rapidly changing trends
Summer tide sets off a wave of style at the southernmost tip of the island
▲ What does Epochsia DO?
In 2017, at the southernmost tip of the island of Taiwan, Xia Chao started with the design and sale of self-adhesive DIY floors. With time exploration and understanding of customer needs, Xiachao gradually developed other home furnishing options.
And travel the world to find interesting, sophisticated and practical items. EPOCHSIA Xia Chao starts from subtle touches and delivers good designs from all over the world.
What Xiachao does is to look for green leafy items in life, and use these items to make you (you) a popular and stylish red flower, and continue to convey the perfect living temperature.
▲ What is Epochsia VALUE?
► Outline the dream and realize the taste.
I dream my painting and I paint my dream.- VAN GOGH
Trend is a word that cannot be precisely defined, but one's inner taste and apparent style can be expressed through trend.
Xia Chao, outline a blueprint for the selection of styles, choose your favorite items with us, and find your own green leaves!