Title: Winter moments
This beautiful watercolor painting on paper captures a serene winter moment. A steaming mug rests gently on a snow-covered surface, surrounded by the quiet beauty of a snowy landscape. The delicate brushwork and soft color palette evoke the warmth of a cozy Christmas morning, making this piece a perfect addition to your holiday decor.
Size: 21 x 30 cm (8.3 x 11.8 inches)
This piece is a perfect addition to your home, bringing warmth and elegance to any space.
This beautiful watercolor painting on paper captures a serene winter moment. A steaming mug rests gently on a snow-covered surface, surrounded by the quiet beauty of a snowy landscape. The delicate brushwork and soft color palette evoke the warmth of a cozy Christmas morning, making this piece a perfect addition to your holiday decor.
Size: 21 x 30 cm (8.3 x 11.8 inches)
This piece is a perfect addition to your home, bringing warmth and elegance to any space.