Each card necklace comes with an envelope on the back, which is perfect whether you buy it to wear yourself or give it as a gift!
| Design concept |
Based on the concept of gifts and cards, it combines elements of Taiwanese culture with simple and neat designs.
Let sharing the joy of travel become closer to life.
| Product Notes |
✶The product uses real gold electroplating and the chain is made of bronze to reduce allergic reactions.
✶The product is very fine, please do not pull it with excessive force to avoid damage.
✶Please do not wear electroplated products when bathing, hot springs, or swimming. Try to keep them dry.
✶Contains small accessories, please keep away from infants and young children to avoid danger
カードネックレス| デザイン concept
カードとギフトから発思して, Taiwanese culture と合わせて, シンプルなデザインとともに, travel の喜びをもっと生活にNearlyづく.
| Product Notes |
*ネックレスは Pure gold メッキで, チェーンは真鍮で, アレルギーanti-応を minus らすことができます.
*ネックレスは大変デリケートな为, strong く cited っ张ることや乱viol ないはご foresight under さい.
*なので made by メッキ, つけたままでの bathing, hot springs, water swimming, などはご foresight under さい.
*アクセサリーがとても小さくて、お子様のお手の事かない Place and safekeepingをしてください.
| Design concept |
Based on the concept of gifts and cards, it combines elements of Taiwanese culture with simple and neat designs.
Let sharing the joy of travel become closer to life.
| Product Notes |
✶The product uses real gold electroplating and the chain is made of bronze to reduce allergic reactions.
✶The product is very fine, please do not pull it with excessive force to avoid damage.
✶Please do not wear electroplated products when bathing, hot springs, or swimming. Try to keep them dry.
✶Contains small accessories, please keep away from infants and young children to avoid danger
カードネックレス| デザイン concept
カードとギフトから発思して, Taiwanese culture と合わせて, シンプルなデザインとともに, travel の喜びをもっと生活にNearlyづく.
| Product Notes |
*ネックレスは Pure gold メッキで, チェーンは真鍮で, アレルギーanti-応を minus らすことができます.
*ネックレスは大変デリケートな为, strong く cited っ张ることや乱viol ないはご foresight under さい.
*なので made by メッキ, つけたままでの bathing, hot springs, water swimming, などはご foresight under さい.
*アクセサリーがとても小さくて、お子様のお手の事かない Place and safekeepingをしてください.