This product is provided to buyers who place orders for customized plates or purchase plate products in the museum. Please do not purchase it separately.
Because I did not make the tray myself or find a manufacturer to make it. I just helped you find a good-looking and suitable tray. It is a purchasing agent. Therefore, I am not sure about the manufacturer and material (it is not stated on the packaging), so I have doubts. Please do not buy it if you are not interested. You can also go to an art store or other stores to find a suitable plate rack.
The wooden frame is divided into two sections and can be adjusted in size. Customized plates of 7 inches, 8.3 inches, and 8.5 inches can be placed. The opened sizes are as follows:

※If you want to purchase an additional plate rack for a 25cm plate, please inform us through a separate letter. The additional purchase price for larger sizes is $300.
The overall shelf is not a very high-end and exquisite product, but there are some imperfections. For example, the rounded corners of the wooden sticks are not smooth, or there may be slight unevenness or color differences when combined.
The products will be unpacked and roughly inspected before shipment. If the front appearance does not affect the appearance or the use, it will not be judged as a defective product. Because I have no profit at all on this product, I made it convenient for everyone because many people asked. Unless the damage is caused during transportation, returns or exchanges are not accepted for this product. Please pay attention before placing an order.
Because the product may be out of stock, we will notify you separately if it is out of stock. The representative of placing an order accepts that if it is out of stock, we agree to cancel the order for this product.
Because I did not make the tray myself or find a manufacturer to make it. I just helped you find a good-looking and suitable tray. It is a purchasing agent. Therefore, I am not sure about the manufacturer and material (it is not stated on the packaging), so I have doubts. Please do not buy it if you are not interested. You can also go to an art store or other stores to find a suitable plate rack.
The wooden frame is divided into two sections and can be adjusted in size. Customized plates of 7 inches, 8.3 inches, and 8.5 inches can be placed. The opened sizes are as follows:

※If you want to purchase an additional plate rack for a 25cm plate, please inform us through a separate letter. The additional purchase price for larger sizes is $300.
The overall shelf is not a very high-end and exquisite product, but there are some imperfections. For example, the rounded corners of the wooden sticks are not smooth, or there may be slight unevenness or color differences when combined.
The products will be unpacked and roughly inspected before shipment. If the front appearance does not affect the appearance or the use, it will not be judged as a defective product. Because I have no profit at all on this product, I made it convenient for everyone because many people asked. Unless the damage is caused during transportation, returns or exchanges are not accepted for this product. Please pay attention before placing an order.
Because the product may be out of stock, we will notify you separately if it is out of stock. The representative of placing an order accepts that if it is out of stock, we agree to cancel the order for this product.