In more and more outdoor activities, we have been carefully selecting all kinds of equipment, but found that most outdoor products have stacked functions and make people feel complicated and heavy, and even some designs will add burden to our actions.
We got inspiration from climbing to the summit: choose simple and lightweight equipment, discard unnecessary decorations, and reduce the weight of materials, just to complete the summit with a lighter pace. This is a combination of function and minimalism, and has stricter requirements for materials and design.
We re-examined the use requirements of each scene, selected CORDURA®UltraLite ultra-light silicon-coated fabric and YKK®AquaGuard® nylon waterproof zipper, designed and produced this series of lightweight equipment that is handy for daily urban and outdoor exploration.
Product materialMATERIAL
Product FeaturesFEATURES
It can be used as a wallet when traveling, and can be folded at will; it can also hold tube-shaped skin care products for outdoor use; or place spoons and forks when camping. Of course, this is your bag, put whatever you want in it.
The CORDURA®UltraLite ultra-light fabric is selected, which is lightweight, strong, and wear-resistant, and the fabric strength can reach the requirements of a parachute. The silicon-coated surface has a good water-repellent effect, and the PU coating on the back brings a water resistance of more than 2000mm.
YKK® AquaGuard® waterproof zipper is used, so you don’t have to worry about the contents of the bag getting wet in rainy days. The gloss of the polyurethane film on the outside of the zipper adds a sense of fashion to the storage bag.
Nylon corespun paracord fastened to the zipper pull for easy access or hanging decorations. NTMY classic green, supplemented by reflective material dots, can be easily found at night.
One side of the storage bag is equipped with American Duraflex® D buckle, which is convenient to link with the backpack, or hang it anywhere you want.
Specially customized colors and color-contrasting designs combine daily fashion and outdoor leisure.
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We got inspiration from climbing to the summit: choose simple and lightweight equipment, discard unnecessary decorations, and reduce the weight of materials, just to complete the summit with a lighter pace. This is a combination of function and minimalism, and has stricter requirements for materials and design.
We re-examined the use requirements of each scene, selected CORDURA®UltraLite ultra-light silicon-coated fabric and YKK®AquaGuard® nylon waterproof zipper, designed and produced this series of lightweight equipment that is handy for daily urban and outdoor exploration.
Product materialMATERIAL
Product FeaturesFEATURES
It can be used as a wallet when traveling, and can be folded at will; it can also hold tube-shaped skin care products for outdoor use; or place spoons and forks when camping. Of course, this is your bag, put whatever you want in it.
The CORDURA®UltraLite ultra-light fabric is selected, which is lightweight, strong, and wear-resistant, and the fabric strength can reach the requirements of a parachute. The silicon-coated surface has a good water-repellent effect, and the PU coating on the back brings a water resistance of more than 2000mm.
YKK® AquaGuard® waterproof zipper is used, so you don’t have to worry about the contents of the bag getting wet in rainy days. The gloss of the polyurethane film on the outside of the zipper adds a sense of fashion to the storage bag.
Nylon corespun paracord fastened to the zipper pull for easy access or hanging decorations. NTMY classic green, supplemented by reflective material dots, can be easily found at night.
One side of the storage bag is equipped with American Duraflex® D buckle, which is convenient to link with the backpack, or hang it anywhere you want.
Specially customized colors and color-contrasting designs combine daily fashion and outdoor leisure.
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