It has a warm and moist taste that is not astringent or spicy, just like a warm sun. Sweet and thick, full of fragrance, make you beautiful.

Bamboo ginger, also known as the island ginger, is relatively thin and slender, but has a unique aroma and ginger taste. The solid fiber contains curcumin, gingerol and ginger copper that are good for the human body, and has many benefits for the body. However, the Ruby black tea with a bright golden red color in the tea soup contains a refreshing and refreshing taste of mint and caramel. Multiplying two by two, perfect ratio, neither spicy nor spicy, suitable for tasting tea in four seasons.

The fascinating thing about ginger black tea is that ginger black tea can effectively keep the body warm, increase circulation in the body, and bring many benefits to people who sit in the office for a long time and have no time to exercise.
This time, there was a joint collaboration between Nourii and Dancing Tea to make precious bamboo ginger and bright star red jade black tea in perfect proportions into Fangxu ginger black tea bags that are not spicy, not spicy, suitable for hot and cold, and have a mild taste.

Good products and good alliances are the principles that Nourii adheres to all the way. We hope that this cup of [Ginger black tea] will bring you the warmth like the warm sun in winter, and you can be on either side. You bring the most sincere physical and mental company.

因此,我們選擇可被大自然分解的PLA玉米纖維 作為製作茶包的材料。

PET & 尼龍茶包用火燒,會產生黑煙,帶有一點塑膠燒焦的臭味
PET & 尼龍茶包很難被撕開

品 牌: 舞間茶心 芳煦薑紅茶
成 分: 紅玉紅茶、竹薑
重 量: 茶包3g x 7入
產 地: 台灣
保存期限: 3年
賞味期限: 如包裝所示
保存方式: 請放置於陰涼乾燥處
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