Good Night Diary half fairy tale with a new attitude Chi debut Hello!
Like with natural linen cover printing hardcover binding, 180-degree smoothing, for writing.
Total 224 pages, picking single characteristic printing;
186 day a large recording space design, with a timeline function and vignettes.
This year's design theme is a classic fairy tale,
Are different stories per month, in addition to cross-page illustration showing outside,
There will be a story related vignettes on this small corner of the page daily, very cute Oh!
![Dimeng Qi - Good Night Diary fairy half annals [Sleeping Beauty * triangle] - สมุดบันทึก/สมุดปฏิทิน - กระดาษ หลากหลายสี](
Cover Dimensions: 21.7 x 15.5 x 2 cm
Inside dimensions: 21 x 14.8 cm
Material: natural linen, imports of paper
Origin / manufacturing methods
Like with natural linen cover printing hardcover binding, 180-degree smoothing, for writing.
Total 224 pages, picking single characteristic printing;
186 day a large recording space design, with a timeline function and vignettes.
This year's design theme is a classic fairy tale,
Are different stories per month, in addition to cross-page illustration showing outside,
There will be a story related vignettes on this small corner of the page daily, very cute Oh!
![Dimeng Qi - Good Night Diary fairy half annals [Sleeping Beauty * triangle] - สมุดบันทึก/สมุดปฏิทิน - กระดาษ หลากหลายสี](
Cover Dimensions: 21.7 x 15.5 x 2 cm
Inside dimensions: 21 x 14.8 cm
Material: natural linen, imports of paper
Origin / manufacturing methods